Prithvi Shaw, the young Indian Test opener has been suspended by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) till November 15, 2019, for failing a doping test. A BCCI release said that Shaw had “inadvertently ingested a prohibited substance, which can be commonly found in cough syrups.”
The Story
According to the BCCI statement, Prithvi had provided a unit sample as part of the BCCI’s anti-doping testing program. This was conducted during the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy match on 22nd February 2019 in Indore. The results showed the existence of Terbutaline. Terbutaline is prohibited both In & Out of Competition in the WADA Prohibited List of Substances.
In replying to BCCI’s charge Shaw admitted to having taken the said substance to treat a Respiratory Tract Infection and not as a performance-enhancing drug. Shaw was charged on July 16 and now the BCCI has accepted Mr. Shaw’s explanation. He was since then in provisional suspension until the final judgment made on July 30. Based on the satisfactory findings BCCI has handed over a back-dated eight months suspension to the 19-year-old that will end on November 15. According to the board guidelines, the cricketer is allowed to return to the training or use facilities of his club from September 15.
BCCI Statement
The statement explains the BCCI rules and the condition briefly saying, Under BCCI ADR Article 10.10.3, Mr. Shaw is entitled to full credit against that period of ineligibility for the provisional suspension that he has been serving since 16th July 2019. In addition, because Mr. Shaw promptly admitted his ADRV upon being confronted with it by the BCCI, there is discretion under BCCI ADR Article 10.10.2 to back-date the start of the period of Ineligibility to the date of sample collection (22nd February 2019). However, the BCCI ADR Article 10.10.2 also requires Mr. Shaw to actually serve one half of the period of ineligibility. Therefore, further to BCCI ADR Article 10.10.2, the eight-month period of Ineligibility will be deemed to have started to run on 16th March 2019, so that it will end at midnight on 15th November 2019.
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