The Indian cricket team, gearing up for the upcoming Asia Cup 2023, has convened in Bengaluru for an intensive fitness and conditioning camp ahead of the continental tournament set to begin on August 30. As the squad readies itself for the competition, the fitness regime includes a series of tests, including the Yo-Yo test. Notably, this test has been in the spotlight recently after Virat Kohli shared his score of 17.2 on social media, which led to controversy with the BCCI discouraging players from revealing such confidential information.
Gill pips Kohli
While it was widely believed that Virat Kohli’s score would be tough to surpass due to his impressive physical conditioning, emerging reports suggest that young opener Shubman Gill has managed to outshine the veteran cricketer. Gill reportedly posted an impressive score of 18.7 in the Yo-Yo test, surpassing Kohli’s record. The Yo-Yo test is an aerobic endurance fitness assessment, and the results can vary based on factors such as recent physical workload and training. Shubman Gill’s accomplishment underlines his high fitness level, especially considering his continuous involvement in cricket, including the Indian Premier League (IPL). A BCCI source revealed, “Gill as of now has the highest score of 18.7. Most of the players have scored between 16.5 and 18,” emphasizing the competitive yet well-rounded performance of the players in the test.
The fitness and conditioning camp, organized by the BCCI, serves as a vital preparation phase for the Indian team before the World Cup at home in October. This camp not only aids in gauging players’ fitness levels but also aligns with the National Cricket Academy’s sports science protocols. The Yo-Yo test, introduced six years ago, has seen its cut-off level evolve from 16.1 to the current standard of 16.5. Shubman Gill’s remarkable score of 18.7 reflects his commitment to maintaining a high fitness level, despite a busy cricket schedule.
With the Asia Cup on the horizon, Gill’s stellar performance in the fitness camp bodes well for Team India as they prepare to face off against their rivals in the upcoming tournament.
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